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Product Title:  Cosmetic Surgery (Market Report)

The UK's cosmetic surgery market is a fast-growing subdivision of the private healthcare industry. Key Note estimates the value of the UK's cosmetic surgery industry at £224.6m in 2003. This industry has been experiencing strong growth over the past 5 years and between 2002 and 2003, the value increased by an estimated 9.4%.

The cosmetic surgery industry can be analysed in terms of four distinct sectors: non-surgical cosmetic procedures, fat reduction and body sculpting, breast enhancement, and face lifts and associated operations. Over the past 5 years the best performing sectors of cosmetic surgery in terms of year-on-year growth have been the fat reduction and body-sculpting sector and the breast enhancement sector.

Socio-economic factors are driving demand for cosmetic surgery in the UK. Low unemployment, increasing disposable incomes and ease of access to credit are bringing cosmetic surgery into the reach of more and more people. As a society, the UK has been following the US regarding the adulation of youth and beauty. Many people now feel under pressure both at home and in the workplace to maintain a youthful, toned appearance.

Women are the main customer base of the cosmetic surgery industry and the various types of cosmetic breast surgery are very popular in the UK. Media images of busty celebrities combined with a desire to look more feminine, youthful or 'normal' are increasing demand for cosmetic breast surgery. Face lifts and associated operations have been declining slightly in popularity over the last 5 years. This is largely due to increasing use of Botox® and other injectables such as collagen, which are less invasive than surgery. Demand for fat reduction and body-sculpting surgery has increased strongly during the early 21st century. Increasing levels of obesity, alongside celebrity use and endorsement of liposuction and other body-sculpting surgery are behind the rising demand. However, non-surgical cosmetic treatments are becoming increasingly popular because they are less invasive and are perceived as being less risky compared with conventional surgery.

Cultural emphases on youth and beauty are set to prevail in the UK over the next 5 years, so the outlook for the cosmetic surgery market is very favourable especially as the current economic stability is likely to continue until at least 2008. Demand for fat-reducing surgery and body sculpting is likely to continue due to an ever-increasing number of obese and overweight people. Non-surgical cosmetic procedures have proved popular since the late 1990s and advances in technology are likely to sustain demand within this sector over the coming 5 years.

Price: £ 380.00 GBP ex VAT (£ 446.50 GBP inc VAT )
Publication date: 31 Aug 2004
Licence period: 365 days

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